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In the complete, detailed, and well organized Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition), learners receive a practical overview of all the elements of academic writing, from analyzing rhetorical strategies to presenting arguments logically. In this five-eighth edition, students will tackle a range of topics – from exploring how different cultures have influenced one another through food and fashion to assessing the potential pitfalls for a company’s stock – with clear examples and discussion questions to help them assess their own understanding. To facilitate deeper learning in each essay section, there are four brief documents that introduce the topic at hand as well as answer questions related to it. In addition, there are two introductory chapters that provide a logical structure for each essay section while tying it into the larger context of writing. Throughout the course of this book learners will be encouraged to apply their grasp of all skills gained in previous editions of this series throughout the entirety of future essays.For a comprehensive list of topics and questions, please refer to Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition).In this complete, detailed, and well organized Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition), learners receive a practical overview of all the elements of academic writing, from analyzing rhetorical strategies to presenting arguments logically. In this five-eighth edition, students will tackle a range of topics – from exploring how different cultures have influenced one another through food and fashion to assessing the potential pitfalls for a company’s stock – with clear examples and discussion questions to help them assess their own understanding. To facilitate deeper learning in each essay section, there are four brief documents that introduce the topic at hand as well as answer questions related to it. In addition, there are two introductory chapters that provide a logical structure for each essay section while tying it into the larger context of writing. Throughout the course of this book learners will be encouraged to apply their grasp of all skills gained in previous editions of this series throughout the entirety of future essays. For a comprehensive list of topics and questions, please refer to Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition). "About this title" may belong to another edition of this title. This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Downloading this book you agree with Terms and conditions. Original edition (2000) by Edward G. Bulwer Lytton, "Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays": Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition) by Edward G. Bulwer Lytton, Kate MacDonald is available in hardback and digital versions. The e-book version of the book is available on the following major online book retailers:Please refer to your textbook or teacher for any sources used in this writing assignment. Discussions related to writing include definitions, word choice, voice, organization, tone of voice, capitalization and punctuation. cfa1e77820